zaterdag 22 september 2012

Let's draw Kurisu Makise

maandag 17 september 2012

Drawing channel and Gaming channel update

Hey Guys, Girls and Others.

Due allot of reasons like projects, school, filming and work, I won't have much time left to game or draw for Youtube.
With this post I want you to know that you shouldn't wait every week for me anymore.
If I can uplaod something you will see it in your subbox.
If I don't upload for more then a week, I'm just busy doing other things.
If I don't upload for a month, then I'm having issues/being sick/ etc...
Sorry for the lack of upload material... I'm trying my best to upload as much as possible...
Gaming channel current projects:
- Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver Walktrough

Future projects:
- Team Fortress 2: Man Vs Machine with my crew
- League of Legends Randomness
- League of Legends Champion spotlights of Champions who didn't got their spotlight from Phreak
- Left 4 Dead 2: Custom Campaign maps

Drawing channel Projects:
- Project P ( will be done in summer 2013)
- Request drawings from deviants and Youtubers
- The characters I wanna draw
- Rosario + Vampire weekend special
- A drawing tutorial of Nagi Sanzenin ( If I wrote that correctly)

And Expect more!.. but not in a short time....
Give me the time to give you all awesome stuff!

Don't forget to subscribe to my main channel:

And become a fellow artistic gamer by subscribing to my gaming channel:

Peace Out all and have a nice day ;)